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Specialised Disability Foster Care

MacKillop is seeking foster carers with expertise and experience in disability to provide short-term care for young people aged 0 – 18 years who need a safe, stable home environment.

Specialised Disability Foster Carers provide holistic and trauma-informed support to children and young people with a disability, who are unable to live at home, so they can achieve stability and positive outcomes.

Carers will be paired with a range of support services to deliver therapeutic care, and commit to connecting with the child’s family, and supporting family reunification, and achieving each young persons’ goals through short term and intensive support.

Specialised Disability Foster Carers are needed in Victoria’s South Metro Melbourne and across the Bayside Peninsula region.

Specialised Disability Foster Carers will:

  • receive a package of support which includes collaboration with NDIS providers
  • have access to a dedicated MacKillop Therapeutic Practitioner to support carers to navigate the complexities of the care system, undertake immediate assessments and support children and young people living with the impact of developmental trauma and diagnosed disabilities
  • receive a dedicated case manager and disability support worker with a low case load to provide intensive support to focus on the child’s individual needs
  • receive an above standard tax-free allowance reflecting the more demanding needs of the children and young people and additional monthly household payments are available specifically for this role
  • have access to 24 hour after hours service
  • play a part in the matching process for the child or young people in their care

MacKillop in partnership with Peninsula Plus, will provide a specially designed disability coaching and capacity building program for foster carers across a 12-week training program.

To apply, carers need:

  • any experience caring for children and young people living with a disability - people who may be interested can come from a broad range of backgrounds, and jobs or career types
  • to complete a foster care accreditation process including training and assessment
  • to undergo a specialised 12-week disability training session following accreditation

All people wishing to apply to become a specialised disability foster carer must:

  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • be at least 21 years of age
  • have a spare bedroom
  • be willing to undertake a Working with Children check and Police Check