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Lucas, Jack and Toby's story

Helping children and young people like Lucas, Jack and Toby feel safe and secure this Christmas.

Lucas, Jack and Toby's story

Helping children and young people like Lucas, Jack and Toby feel safe and secure this Christmas.

Three brothers in blue

For 21-month-old Lucas*, three-year-old Jack* and six-year-old Toby*, Christmas just meant an extension of the trauma and neglect they went through for the rest of the year.

Their foster carer, Mardi*, describes what they were like when they first came to her.

“Lucas screamed and he yelled, and he bit... Jack had nightmares... Toby was being bullied...”

Instead of growing up with happy memories, home life was so unhealthy that eventually the boys had to be removed from their parents’ home.

Parenting is hard enough when your children grow up in a loving home. But for carers like Mardi, parenting children who have experienced trauma is an even bigger challenge.

But with the ongoing support of MacKillop and donors like you, dedicated carers like Mardi are helping children heal from their trauma and giving them the opportunities they have missed in the past.

Will you help to find safe homes for vulnerable children this Christmas?

Your generosity today can help us to find and train more foster carers like Mardi. These are special people who can give children the time and support to heal and to become the best they can be.

When you give this Christmas, you support the safety and wellbeing of children.

Your donation goes towards:

  • A safe and nurturing home for young people when they are unable to live with their family.
  • Recruitment, training and support for foster carers.
  • A range of foster care services for children, including emergency, respite, short and long term.
  • Foster carer support such as ongoing training, after-hours call services, respite and links to other carers for support.
  • Culturally appropriate care, including Indigenous families.
  • A place for children to heal and be nurtured.

Please give today.

*Names have been changed and stock images used to protect the privacy of our clients.

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