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MacKillop urgently needs foster carers in New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia.

Foster carers help children and young people who are temporarily unable to live with their birth family. Often these children have experienced trauma.

Foster carers are trained, assessed and accredited before they start caring for a child or young person. This process involves several screening checks. We will walk by your side every step of the way.

Please complete our enquiry form or call 1300 791 677 to discuss options available to you, and have your questions answered.

Caring for our children

Our Awlad Community Response Project calls on the Muslim community to open their homes and provide culturally safe care to children who may have, for a period of time, been disconnected from their Muslim faith.

Intensive Therapeutic Foster Carers needed in NSW

MacKillop is looking for specialised foster carers in NSW to provide one-on-one care for young people aged 12-17 years who need a safe, stable home environment.

Specialised Disability Foster Care

MacKillop is seeking foster carers in Victoria with expertise and experience in disability to provide short-term care for young people aged 0 – 18 years who need a safe, stable home environment.

Multicultural Foster Carers

It takes all kinds of foster carers to care for all types of children. When children and young people in care who are supported to learn about and maintain a connection to their culture, language or region are able to develop their sense of belonging and understand where they came from.

What does it mean to be a foster carer?

Foster care parents, social workers and former foster care children share their experiences in the system. They explain the role of foster care parents and give reasons on why foster care parents are so important.