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What advice would you give someone thinking about residential care work

I think the biggest bit of advice I could give someone who's considering coming into residential care is give it a go. I never thought I was going to like. I saw it as an entry-level job - one that I thought I could get some experience in the sector; two and a half years later I’m still here and I absolutely love it.

You know, I've not yet had a day where I’d get out of bed going, oh, I don't want to go to work. Yeah there's always times where it's, you know, you have those days, no one always wants to go to work, but give it a give it a go and if you do, don't take things personally. These young people have had a lifetime of people coming in and out of their lives. They're not all going to warm to you straight away but give it a go, stay through the thick and the thin because you'll build relationships that way and once you've built that relationship it's amazing what you can do to support these young people and help them further.